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Weekly Quizzes and Weekly Prizes!

Each week I will create a new quiz based on the video released at the beginning of the week. These quizzes are quick and simple and designed to evaluate your learning from the YouTube lesson.


The ICU Advantage YouTube channel would be nothing without you guys. It's my turn to give back to you guys and say THANK YOU.

Watch the lessons each week and then take the quiz to test your knowledge and you will have a chance at weekly Amazon gift card giveaways!


Andrea was last weeks winner of a $25 Amazon Gift Card!

All for taking a free quiz!

Take This Week's Quiz Now!

You've watched the lesson and now you're ready to show what you've learned?!

Take the Quiz

Previous Week's Quizzes:

Jan 2nd: PA Cath Normal Hemodynamic Values

Dec 19th: PA Cath Waveforms

Nov 14th: PA Cath Basics

Aug 15th: Intra-Abdominal Pressure Physiology


Find Quizzes By Playlist

Find the playlist and the links to the quizzes for those videos will be in there.